piątek, 17 czerwca 2016

Outfits for end of the school year!

Yesterday was last day in my school. Really sad. All Girls cried and hugged me so I also cried. I have for you 3 outfits on end of school year. I have also photo with my friends and when I take my certificate. Have a great holiday babies!❤️😘
1. Khaki dress and converse 
2. Grey dress and converse 
3. Skirt,body and heels

Photos from my end school year:

piątek, 3 czerwca 2016


Hello everyone! Yes I know long time but I have really much tests and exams. Now I reurned! 2 weeks and holiday! Teraz wracam! 2 tygodnie do wakacji!But whats happend in time when I wasn't here? Norwegian Nationally Day 17.May 
I'm so happy! Today I have last exam and I do it! 
Yeah...I don't have photos outfits but I have normal photo from normal days with friends and what I do. 
I think which videos recording first...yes I have youtube (Blacksandy0601)but I don't have videos and now I want do it.
Now here is really hot all week is 28/30C
And now Coming photos all from iPhone 6 :***
 Have a nice weekend love ya!
Hej wszystkim !
 Tak wiem bardzo dlugo mnie nie bylo ale mialam bardzo duzo testow i egzaminow.Ale co sie dzialo kiedy mnie tu nie było?
Dzien niepodleglosci w Norwegii 17.Maja.
Jestem bardzo szczesliwa! Dzis mialam ostatni egzamin i udalo sie!Tak..Nie mam zdjecia outfit'ow ale mam normalne zdj z normalnych dni z przyjaciolmi i co robilam.
Mysle jaki film nagrac pierwwszy...tak mam youtube ale nie mam tam filmow i chce to zrobic teraz.
Teraz tu jest bardzo goraco caly tydizne 28/30C
A terraz zdj wszysthie robione IP6 :***
Milego dnia kocham was! :**